+45 4913 2800


Dual Use High Efficacy Disinfectant Wipe for Hands & Surfaces

Ki-Ose 380 Single Wipe is a unique convenient and economical dual-use disinfectant wipe for both the sanitizing of hands and disinfection of surfaces. Dermatologically tested and efficient, Ki-Ose 380 Single Wipe has been especially designed by travellers and crew members from the transport sector, with a focus on aerospace for inflight use. Water based and non-flammable, it is fully aircraft approved and can be used on surfaces in contact with food without rinsing. It is perfect for the passenger, who can quickly disinfect their hands and then the surrounding contact surfaces (tablets, seat arms…). Ki-Ose 380 Single Wipe can be used by the crew in galleys, on trolleys, in lavatories or in the cabin. It can also be incorporated in meal trays. Ki-Ose 380 Single Wipe is the perfect companion for hygiene and protection. It will not harm or damage fabrics, plastic, metals, rubber or other surfaces and can be used in many other industries and sectors for personnel as well as customers.

Product number: AR0006688


Ki-Ose 380 Single Wipe is a unique dual use wipe especially adapted for the crew and passengers for sanitizing and disinfection:

• Can be used on hands and skin before meals, after interventions in the toilet or after food service.

• Can be used on all surfaces such as galleys, trolleys, toilet seats, passenger seat tablets.

Use biocides with caution. Before use, read the label and information concerning the product.


• Rub hands with the wipe for at least 30 seconds. Use on healthy skin only.


• Rub the wipe on surfaces that needs to be cleaned and disinfected. Do not rinse.


• AMS 1453

• BSS7434 (Note: BOEING D6-7127 was cancelled and superseded by BSS7434 on 04-Jun-2019)

• Airbus CML 14-012

• Authorized for food contact in accordance to the French decree dated 8th September 1999 concerning the cleaning products for equipment’s that may come into contact with food

• Registered with the French Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (MEDDE) – Inventory N° 49416 / product type 01, 02 and 04 – As part of EU Biocidal Products Regulation N°528/2012

• PSA certified to ISO 9001 version 2008 (since 10/07/2006)

• NATO Code : FA2X6


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