+45 4913 2800

Lavette Super

Cleanliness is a competition, with Lavette Super you win every time!


The All-Time Champion Wipe.

Lavette Super outperforms all other wipes by achieving the ultimate hygienic result. Its unique open structure guarantees superior dirt pick-up and efficient absorption, the wipe dries quickly and thus remains clean and fresher for longer providing optimal hygiene and minimal odours.
Lavette Super’s unique fibre and binder composition creates an antibacterial performance preventing bacterial growth, thus ensuring the cloth is safe to use.

Lavette Super can be used in combination with any cleaning agents or disinfectants. It is a multi-purpose wipe that can be used over and over again and is therefore economical and efficient.

Lavette Super is available in 5 different colours, supporting HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) conditions. Lavette Super colour coding can help you in preventing crosscontamination and contribute to health & safety.

Use Lavette Super And be Safe!

Size: 51 x 36 cm / 34 x 36 cm

Product number: 74466 (Blue) / 74751 (Blue) / 74530 (Blue 10 wipes per pack) / 74468 (Red) / 74750 (Red) / 74531 (Red 10 wipes per pack) / 74465 (Green) / 74752 (Green) / 74532 (Green 10 wipes per pack) / 74467 (Yellow) / 74753 (Yellow) / 74533 (Yellow 10 wipes per pack) / 74464 (White) / 74754 (White)

Main Uses

  • Industrial Kitchens
  • Catering
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Food Processing Industry

Product Features

  • Heavy duty multi-purpose wipe
  • Open structure
  • Easy to rinse & dries quickly
  • Antibacterial activity
  • Bulky
  • Colour coded
  • Machine washable
  • Durability
  • Strong and safe to use

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